A purple vortex in space has a dark center. To the top right, there is a Space.com 25th anniversary badge.

In the last 25 years, black hole physicists have uncovered the unimaginable

I would argue that the most fascinating and mysterious objects in the cosmos are black holes. These pockets in the fabric of spacetime are anchored by an infinitely dense and infinitesimally small concentration of mass: A singularity. We simply do not know what lies beyond a black hole’s event horizon — the boundary beyond which light can’t cross — and perhaps never will. These objects are simply too extreme for our brains to lightly comprehend and for our bodies to withstand.

But in the 25 years since 1999, when Space.com was founded, the science of black holes has come on leaps and bounds — especially as it relates to bringing these cosmic titans from their theoretical origins into observational reality. In fact, a comprehensive list of black hole breakthroughs made since the foundation of Space.com would require a dedicated website of its own. 

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